
Baptism is one of two Sacraments recognised by the Church of Scotland; the other one is Holy Communion.

A baptism usually takes place as part of our Morning Worship on a Sunday.

The water that we use symbolises God’s love, cleansing, and Jesus’ own baptism, the ceremony is also about the welcoming of a child into God’s family and into our own Church community.

There is no age limit for baptism.

When a child is baptised, the parents or guardians make a promise as below:

 The parents’ vow:

You have a great responsibility, so do you promise, God being your helper, to make your home a Christian home and to continue to bring (child’s name) up in The Faith and in the Commonwealth of the Church?

Response: I do.

The congregation’s vow:

People of God, today (child’s name) is being baptised in your midst as part of the worldwide church. We have been given the responsibility to nurture and offer her the Good News. Do you promise to continue to welcome and uphold her, nurture and strengthen her, and give her your time and your love in the Commonwealth of the Spirit?  

In the case of adult Baptism the person makes the appropriate promises himself, or herself.

In the case of adult baptism the person himself or herself makes the appropriate promises. Baptism is normally administered at Sunday worship in front of the congregation. This emphasises the nature of the sacrament as incorporation into the body of Christ and the life of the Church.

Our Minister can also conduct emergency Baptisms, in the case of a premature baby, for example, or someone who is seriously ill at home or in hospital, and cannot be in Church.


Blessing ceremonies also take place at Morning Worship and follow a similar pattern as baptisms, although the wording and the promises are different, and no water is used.

In a blessing ceremony, nothing is required of the child’s parents in either commitment or belief.


Please contact our Minister, Revd. Gary Noonan, who will be happy to discuss either ceremony with you, and arrange a suitable date.


There is no fee for Baptism.

The Lord bless you and keep you

The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you, 

The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace